Mastering the Eclipse Season

Mastering the Eclipse Energy

Lunar Eclipse

I love eclipses and look forward to each one with great excitement. Resulting from a special co-creation between universal and cosmic energies, eclipses hold sacred energy that we can learn to use to connect on a higher level.

What are eclipses?

Eclipses are astrological occurrences that take place on a new moon and a full moon. Generally, most eclipses occur as a pair, with a two-week period between two eclipses. One eclipse is solar, and the other is lunar. Which one occurs first varies. The two-week window between each pair eclipse is potent and sacred. Our emotions and thoughts are changed during this time.

This month, January 2019, begins with a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 5th and ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 21st.

How to Prepare for an Eclipse

Making the most of eclipse energy means some spiritual housekeeping is in order. Just as you would prepare for a gathering in your home, some tidying up on your interior self is necessary.

  • Clean your thoughts
  • Tie up any emotional loose ends
  • Carve out space for your spiritual wellbeing
  • Be centered
  • Practice deep listening

Also like a gathering in your home, the preparations you make before an eclipse are performed for a special guest.

The Special Guest

Of course, this special guest is not another person, it is from you – your higher self, your unconscious, your soul – and She has your highest interest at heart. Making special preparations of your inner sanctuary is important so that you are ready to receive the gifts your guest will bring.

Gifts for your hungry soul, for your emotional and spiritual growth and ideas for your next steps.

How will you recognize these gifts when they appear? You will know them because they will be energized with life force, with resonance; the gifts of your higher self will accompany emotions like “wouldn’t that be cool to manifest?!”

Get Centered, Be Present and Witness.

Make sure you have open quiet receiving spaces to allow the unconscious shiny bits to percolate and rise to the top of your consciousness.

Everything is significant. Your logical mind is likely to toss off these percolating bits as far away dreams or odd curiosities, but they will make sense down the road. You may not have context for these notions at the present time; however, they will seem charged with magic and enthusiasm. Capture them!

Be sure you have pen and paper nearby wherever you are. Place a notebook next to your bed, in your purse and in your car. Write down with detail your inspired dreams, thoughts, passing ideas. In the months ahead, you will be so glad you did!

What if I’m New to Using Eclipse Energy

As someone who has been studying eclipses for 25 years, I can tell you they are not easy to navigate. These astronomical events are more like riding raging rapids than floating along the serene stream. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use eclipses to your advantage. It may take some practice for these nudges from the unconscious to make it through. They may be especially subtle if you are not typically tuned in to them. A seasoned soul understands that visions require your attention, intention and emotions to sprout. Holding a vision is sometimes all that it takes to begin manifesting your dream.

My Best Advice for Navigating Eclipses

With more than two decades of experience with eclipses, I have my own method for navigating them. Arriving at my method took years of comparisons and observations with other astrologers. I also considered how the historical model was riddled with fear.

If it sounds complicated, that’s because it is, but that’s where I can help. My best advice to you is to begin slowly. Be present in a state of “awe”-wareness of the eclipse energy. Follow my preparation pointers above.

Remember, you do not need astrological expertise to go deep within and observe very subtle changes in your thoughts and emotional landscape, but if you prefer some guidance, I am always here to help you get started. I’d love to help you learn how to use this sacred time between the January eclipses with a consultation. You can book here to get started kindling your passion and truly feeling connected to a much larger cosmic dance.

Will you be joining me in consciously observing and directing eclipse energy this month?


Photo by Jongsun Lee

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